Fedora Users - 2005
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- The launching of openoffice2.0 beta is too slow!,
neptune sedna
- Change root sender adress,
- How to select nics while bootup,
Roger Grosswiler
- mail manager for Postfix,
Ankush Grover
- Replacing Microsoft Exchange,
Thomas Cameron
- openldap incompatibility between FC1 and FC4,
Stephen Walton
- OT: milter-greylist & sendmail - when to start?,
Mike McMullen
- OT: Book to teach Logo?,
Arthur Pemberton
- Need Kernel source or headers for nVidia drivers (FC4),
- Evolution 2.2.2 Filter,
- any success stories on Promise RAID installs?,
Jack Howarth
- Mounting multiple USB Hard Drives,
Robert Paxton
- LaTeX: a gray column with kile,
- FC3 with Hitachi 7K500,
Gaspar Bakos
- How to make adobe default pdf reader in firefox/thunderbird,
Ping-Wu Zhang
- Looking for a good video card for a Samsung 213T monitor,
Jim Lowman
- Web / email server,
Mathias Gibbens
- RE: Grub Problem (?) Installing FC4 dual boot with Win2K,
- Tracking users,
- Re:(Somewhat off-topic) shared calendar, pilot sync, but only, some categories,
Michael Wiktowy
- trouble downloading,
Graham S. Green
- writing dir to DVD,
w bugar
- Slightly OT:opensuse.org Open For Business,
- Default handler location in Gnome,
Ted Gervais
- Migrating Icons in gnome-panel to new FC4 box,
Kevin Old
- FC4: SELinux and MySQL replication,
Damir Dezeljin
- Video experience for Windows Media (Player 10) etc..,
Ted Gervais
- Another YUM question..,
Ted Gervais
- Best free blogging software,
Fong Vang
- OT: UNT Compromised,
Mike McCarty
- Content Management,
Thiago Amaury Ferraz
- Question on all the added repos after update.,
Michael D. Setzer II
- Looking for Open Source trouble ticket solution,
James Marcinek
- list preferences,
Andrew Stewart
- Building Core 4 without 4K stacks?,
Stephen Reppucci
- Centralized users database,
Samuel Díaz García
- Newbie: Desktop menu trouble,
Marcus Zingmark
- Core4 disallows floppy & Zip access,
- YUM..,
Ted Gervais
- i810 issue with 1024x768 on Satellite M30X-S171ST,
Kevin Old
- Soundcard help,
- Paperless office?,
D. D. Brierton
- (Somewhat off-topic) shared calendar, pilot sync, but only some categories,
George Avrunin
- fc package manger + yum ?,
Gregory Machin
- How to resize ext3-fs-partition (to extend toward disk beginning)?,
- Information and Recommendations: Repartition,
Mike McCarty
- Sunray version 3 on FC 4,
Paul Andrew
- USB drive for Linux attempt panics at /dev/console,
Jim Cornette
- Another repositories?,
- The password-less ssh problem and ssh-agent on Fedora Core 3,
Andy Oram
- Lock Screen Button,
Craig Preston
- Problem with X and ssh,
Bob Taylor
- SMTP questions,
Justin Zygmont
- Updates via yum -y update Updated,
Mark Knights
- Playing DVD's,
Mark Knights
- bootchart,
Marlon Bastida
- installing modem in core4,
Khursand Yasar Jamil (kyjamil)
- FC4 md5sum,
Linux Beginner
- can't install Matlab on Fedora Core 4,
Hongyu Sun
- firestarter and fedora firewall,
Jack Howarth
- interesting linux vs windows observation,
Jack Howarth
- Matlab for Fedora Core 2,
Farrukh Aslam Khan
- [OT] Deleting Threads in Thunderbird,
Michael Yep
- Why am I using swap?,
Dan Track
- Wireless: good signal but erratic speed,
Reuben D. Budiardja
- python 2.4 on FC3,
Rakotomandimby (R12y) Mihamina
- Differenciate Multiple USB Ports,
- help,
- CD writing tool in FC4,
Pushparaj Shetty
- openwbem,
Andreas Wahlert
- VPN with integrated IPSEC-Solution,
Roger Grosswiler
- How to select nic while bootup?,
Roger Grosswiler
- BUG: system time is wrong in FC4,
Florin Andrei
- which rpm provides perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.8.6),
Ankush Grover
- OT: Blacklists used by redhat.com?,
Gaddis, Jeremy L.
- Configuring printer on FC4,
Pushparaj Shetty
- Agpgart failing?,
Roger Grosswiler
- ATI Radeon 9800,
Robert Bell
- Using fedora as server and capturing display,
Pushparaj Shetty
- Someone's being lazy... /dev/dvd not linked to /dev/hda,
Andy Pieters
- [Semi-OT] Help configuring a file server,
John Wendel
- codec 'dfs',
Ping-Wu Zhang
- fc4 and urls,
Ted Gervais
- Firebird: associating mimetypes with applications,
Hanspeter Roth
- FC4 and external hard drive (USB),
- Update - yum -y not downloading data...,
Mark Knights
- A CUPS print server experience.,
- Running a script at boot,
Dotan Cohen
- Cable Select vs. Master/slave settings,
Jim Cornette
- Amavisd-New substitution,
Damir Dezeljin
- waaaayy off topic!!!! (amazon web services/api...),
- Fedora Core 4 on the HP Pavilion dv1340us,
Jason Riker
- setting up passwordless ssh connections,
Eliezer Ramm
- Sendmail user mail file missing - Again,
David Niemi
- Problems with Soundcard,
- ifupdown for Fedora?,
Jack Howarth
- Watching TV on Fedora Core 4 x64bits,
Horacio R. Ferrero
- writing to windoze partition,
Globe Trotter
- gvim font at startup,
Hanspeter Roth
- Update...,
Mark Knights
- Re: FC4 - Sound Noise (Hoffmann),
William Case
- Re: fedora-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 66,
William Case
- wlan not present,
Johan Lozano
- OOo-gnome default language fc4?,
- GAMESS on EM64T processor,
- firefox default theme?,
Peter Magnusson
- OOo Base - Unable to add data to a new database/table,
Stanley Davis
- DVB device permissions and udev,
Bernd Bartmann
- How do I make firefox do java?,
Michael Hennebry
- FC3 limit bg procs per user/all users and exceptions possible?,
Danny Terweij
- Gdm: Xsession,
Hanspeter Roth
- Alsa-lib 1.0.9 (and alsa-utils) for FC3,
Philip Prindeville
- OpenSSL problem with xsupplicant,
Shane Stixrud
- Book to teach KTurtle?,
Arthur Pemberton
- burn audio CD,
Robert Bell
- burn DVDR faster than 1.30x,
Peter Magnusson
- ALPS touchpad laptop resume defunc,
Peter Magnusson
- Up2date Activation?,
Chris Spencer
- Updating FC4 issue,
Sasa Stupar
- can mountting ntfs in fedora,
bambang sugiharto
- manually configuring bridging on FC4,
Jack Howarth
- Daemons startup order,
Sasa Stupar
- SELinux prohibits PCMCIA modem,
Steve Snyder
- firewire hard drive problems,
Mick Mearns
- Dia - Latex/Lyx - fonts - help ;),
Michael A. Peters
- RE: fedora-list Digest, Vol 17, Issue 299,
Simon Slater
- gui to set up bridging?,
Jack Howarth
- Choosing YUM Repositories,
Ping-Wu Zhang
- problems manually setting up wpa_supplicant,
Jack Howarth
- FC4 - Sound Noise,
- Kopete logs,
Dotan Cohen
- How to Install Fedora on 150+ machines,
kevin . kempter
- how to change monitor freq in FC4?,
Jack Howarth
- Playing video- halfway there,
Dotan Cohen
- Livna repro list,
- WAP priority question for NetworkManager,
Brian Millett
- kerberos ticket renew_lifetime,
Alastair Neil
- does the Boot CD's for x86_64 run by an x86_64 boot kernel & 64bit boot programs?,
U. George
- I2O + raidutils support,
- Fedora4 possible rpm bug: listall.log disagrees w rpm -qa,
Dave Blackburn
- wine question,
w bugar
- Finding the UID for samba users,
Tim Holmes
- Where is the kernel headers for kernel-2.6.11-1.1369_FC4?,
- hard drive issues,
w bugar
- FC4 kernel question: Howto monitor temperature with S-ATA drives?,
Peter Boy
- Use up2date vs yum - why?,
Mike McCarty
- DNS delay with FireFox on FC4,
Glenn Meyer
- newgrp: Permission Denied,
Vidol Loeung
- Newbie:gpdf-2.8.2-4.1 corrupts text output under FC4 2.6.12. xpdf-3.00-19 displays ok,
Clive at Rational
- problems with kernel 2.6.12-1.1372 on FC3,
Danny Yee
- scsi tape problem - goes and won't come back without reboot,
Danny Yee
- kernel upgrade anxiety,
Josh Coffman
- Codec problem in linphone on Bulverde,
Ojas Pipalia
- Linux Kicking Microsoft Out of Indiana Schools,
Antonio Olivares
- Disk space is full,
- I'm screwed - can't login,
Neal Becker
- Is there devlabel functionality in FC3,
Robert Paxton
- Is SATA hard drive supported by Fedora?,
Hongyu Sun
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