Josh Coffman wrote:
when I upgraded to 2.6.12-1.1390_FC4, I had a
couple things to re-make and install: nvidia drivers,
Although I took decent notes, I'm unsure about
upgrading now that it's working. What are the
pro's/con's of updating your kernel?
Kernel updates do not replace your current kernel (by default with yum).
The update is installed as a new kernel package, and a new entry is
inserted into the boot loader configuration file (/boot/grub/grub.conf).
In other words, you can have multiple kernel RPMs installed at the same
time. This way, if you don't get the new kernel working, you could
always go back to the old one (selecting it from the grub boot menu),
for which you've installed extra drivers like nvidia and
ndiswrapper-stuff. I'd recommend staying updated with kernel releases,
it's well worth it. You can list all of your installed kernels (in case
you've never erased the old ones) with the command:
$ rpm -qa|grep kernel
< Øyvind Stegard < oyvinst at ifi uio no >
< `Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.'