Re: [OT] Deleting Threads in Thunderbird

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Click on the bubble icon in the list. It'll select all of the messages and then you can press delete to delete the messages (actually gets sent to Trash; Press Shift + Delete to delete permenantly)
Hope that helps,

Matt Morgan wrote:
On 8/8/05, Michael Yep <myep@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Does anyone know if there is a shortcut key to delete an entire thread
(when using thread view) in Mozilla Thunderbird ?

The only quick way I know of is shift-clicking to mutiple select all
the messages in the thread, and then deleting. A "delete entire
thread" command might be there somewhere, I have to admit. I have
never looked for one, since shift-clicking is easy.

What I wish I had in T-Bird is filtering based on Thread, so that I
could say "ignore/delete future messages in this Thread." But I heard
that Thunderbird used to have that feature, and it never worked. Maybe
message-ids are not reliable in some way.

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