Yes, the idea is to have diferent machines in future, but now the
resources are very limited.
Can you (or anybody) how to have the centraliced user database?
I only want to use a command (as adduser) and it allow, by default, add
the e-mail account, ftpuser with his/her privileges, ldap user, radius
user (and generate his/her certificate), mysql access to some databases
(by default), idem with postgresql, etc...
And after, only have to "refine" the access in some services, but, at
least, i would have the "basic privileges" to all our workers.
Les Mikesell wrote:
On Tue, 2005-08-09 at 10:24, Samuel Díaz García wrote:
Hi all, I'm working in a FC4 server and I want to have a centralized
user's database.
Usually when people say this they mean across multiple machines. This
means a network system like NIS or LDAP.
The idea is to validate users only one time.
I want to centralice users for these services:
1) Shells (ssh, telnet)
2) Ftp (vsftp)
3) Samba
4) web
5) radius
7) mail
8) mysql, posgresql
I want to allow users only validate one time when accessing over all
network services and only have to add user 1 time, not add the user in
all services. With his/her e-mail account, ftp account, web access into
private webs pages, etc...
Any appointments, how-to's, tutorial to allow integrate all users and
only have to maintain one user database?
I prefer an step by step guide if anybody knows that.
But this looks like you have a single machine providing all these
services. For all the services that have files under
the consolidation is already done. You'll have to drop in
the apache mod_auth_pam module which for some reason isn't
included: for web
access - or if everyone has a local password you can just
give apache read access to the /etc/shadow file.
Samuel Díaz García
Director Gerente
ArcosCom Wireless, S.L.L.
CIF: B11828068
c/ Romero Gago, 19
Arcos de la Frontera
11630 - Cadiz
msn: samueldg@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Móvil: 651 93 72 48
Tlfn.: 956 70 13 15
Fax: 956 70 34 83
fn;quoted-printable:Samuel D=C3=ADaz Garc=C3=ADa
n;quoted-printable:D=C3=ADaz Garc=C3=ADa;Samuel
org:ArcosCom Wireless, S.L.L.;I+D+I
adr;quoted-printable;quoted-printable:;;c/ Romero Gago, 19;Arcos de la Frontera;C=C3=A1diz;11630;Espa=C3=B1a
title:Director Gerente
tel;work:956 70 13 15
tel;fax:956 70 34 83
tel;cell:651 937 248