Re: Video experience for Windows Media (Player 10) etc..

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Ted Gervais wrote:

At 04:11 PM 8/9/2005 -0300, you wrote:


Em Ter, 2005-08-09 às 15:55 -0300, Ted Gervais escreveu:
> Was wondering if there is anything that will take the place of the
> 'Windows Media Player' which wants to be used when trying to view videos
> while in .
> I occasionally like to look at the various video clips that come with the news
> website and it asks me to 'GET PLAYER' when I click on these videos.
> Am I out of luck when trying to view these news videos when I am running
> Linux?  Or is there a way around this obstacle??

You could install mplayer + mplayer plugin for mozilla/firefox or the
plugin along with any other player based on mplayer, like kmediaplayer.
Personally, I prefer kaffeine+kaffeine plugin, because I like better to
watch the clip on a separate, redimensionable window rather than
embedded in the web page. Such sites often offer clips in real player
format, which is available for Linux as well.

I will look at that, but doesn't that news site look for (specifically) the Windows Media Player. And if that is the case, it wouldn't matter what Linux utility you might have installed that would play these videos.
Or am I wrong on this??

For an excellent read pertaining to mplayer/viewing video on CNN's site, go to the fedora-list archives & read the complete thread, Subject: Mplayer Frustrations Sender: C.Beamer Date: 07/07/2005 08:16 P.M. F.Y.I., this thread is worth a hard copy for future reference ;-)


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Ted Gervais,
Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada


Lexington, Kentucky U.S.A.

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