Re: Internet traffic and Azureus -

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On Thu, 4 Oct 2007, Ed Greshko wrote:

Res wrote:

maybe some of us have better things to do then read newspapers, i never
read them, becuase its always old news just rehashed of what ive watched
on tv late the night before.
You get all of your in-depth news analysis from TV sound bites?  Now I am
beginning to understand your short comings.
when i was a young kid, i used to work for rupert, i know that print media 
beat things up a lot to sell, sensationalise beyond belief stories, lets 
not let a little thing called truth or even fact get in that way of a 
large page 1 headline to grab those 'walkers past' to pick up a copy, when 
again its all just their version of yesterdays events, events we watched 
either 6pm or 1030pm the night before, even later with overnight bulletins
on cable, back then the only thing i read in print media was when i was 
looking for my first car, and rental properties, ... now today, paper is 
not needed for either :)
I'd give it 10 years or so and print media will not be a part of our 
lives in most countries. In fact I saw a documentary last year that 
had a story about an isolated South African town, that had no internet 
access, no paper or mail, they had a weekly delivery of a disk that had 
news and mail on it, mail out was sent the same way, very interesting, 
it shows that, as poor as that town seems in one way, they are far more 
advanced in others, well done to them. (from memory it was a BBC 



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