Re: Internet traffic and Azureus -

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On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Ed Greshko wrote:

But, if you want to be taken seriously you really should not "rant".  You
should present your views in a clear, concise manner and backed up with
verifiable facts.  Also, IMHO, posting with careless typos and use of SMS
the way to do that is produce figures which we both know i can not do.
although i truly would love to just to throw it in someones face :)

style abbreviations will also lead some to dismiss your posts as sloppy and
err, this is not a legal document, its not a report of any form therefore 
i dont really care about typos, if this was a proper conducted email 
conversation youd see how i repsond completely different to here, i dont 
care if anyone takes me seriously or calls me a troll, i dont care if you 
are the only one who ever reads this post, ive always bene like it and 
well, at my age its hard to change.
FWIW, I've signed many an NDA in my life time and it is not so hard to
present facts about a situation without violating the spirit of the NDA.
he wants me to produce figures, thats what he wants, and thats what will 
get be s crewed, no way around it, if i produce em i would expect to be 
screwed, furthermore this NDA has an expire time of 30 years after me 
departure, to which wont matter too much given my age  i wont be around 
then anyway :)



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