Re: F8 update kills KDE

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Kevin Kofler wrote:
David Boles <dgboles <at>> writes:
Fedora appears to have gone to great links to make the menus the same so that
the 'you go here and run this app' suggestions work no matter what desktop
you chose.
That probably used to be the case at some point (around RHL 8.0), but these 
days the KDE and GNOME menus are _very_ different:
* the categories are different
* the GNOME menus are at the top of the screen by default, not the bottom
* GNOME has 2 menus, KDE only one
* in KDE 4, KDE defaults to Kickoff which isn't really a "menu" in that sense at all, and looks extremely different from the GNOME menus (a traditional menu is available though, just right-click and choose "Switch to Classic style menu")

I stand corrected Kevin. Sorta'. ;-) What I meant was that the 'Fedora' items in the menus are in similar places and have the same names. Or they did.
Did that change?

BTW Kevin. Several of my friends, KDE users, tell me that you guys/gals are doing one heck of a job. Tip of the hat from me to you.



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