Re: F8 update kills KDE

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Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sun, 2008-04-20 at 10:27 -0400, David Boles wrote:
Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sat, 2008-04-19 at 20:23 -0700, Antonio Olivares wrote:

I don't know if it's actually *possible* to install Fedora without
Gnome, but I take your point.
You can install Fedora and chose to not install the GNOME desktop. Since GNOME 
is the default you have to actively chose *not* to install it. You have to 
uncheck the box.

Fair enough. My original post was in answer to a question about whether
KDE was a "second-class citizen" in Fedora, which is why I didn't
mention other desktops, but of course the same comments apply to them as
Fedora has a very active team that works on KDE. Calling KDE "a "second-class 
citizen" in Fedora" would hurt their feeling I would think.  ;-)
Well we can't have that can we :-) Seriously though, I don't doubt the
efforts put into KDE by Fedora people. My comment (yet again ...) is
that many people on this list, and at least some of those responsable
for the Fedora docs, simply assume that the desktop is Gnome. In fact
we've even had examples today of "select whatever" or "click on xxx"
without the qualifying "under Gnome". If anyone said "select whatever"
or "click on xxx" where whatever and xxx were KDE features, and didn't
mention KDE explicitly, we'd hear all about it.

That's all.

Hmm... Okay as clearly as I think that I say this. KDE, GNOME, XFCE, etc, are desktops. Fedora is an OS. Different animals completely.
No configuration applications in Fedora, that I know of, require any desktop 
at all. When someone suggests that 'you go here and run this app' they are 
*looking* at their install. Fedora appears to have gone to great links to make 
the menus the same so that the 'you go here and run this app' suggestions work 
no matter what desktop you chose.
And it would be nice if we, all of us, could get over this 'you're picking on 
my Desktop' thing. Linux is about choice. Pick what you like and go with it. 
I, myself, like GNOME. But I don't 'hate' KDE. I choose to use GNOME. You like 
KDE? Go for it.  ;-)


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