Re: 2.6.23 kernel

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On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, Scott Henson wrote:

Res wrote:
I recall, hrmmmmmm RH4 i think it was, maybe earlier, an automatic
update rendored my desktop useless, they corrected it within hours, but
thats too late for the poor suckers like me that were affected, since
then, a valuable lesson learnt was never trust a vendors "update"
verbatim, and since then, I've never used a RH kernel, once bitten ok,
twice bitten your a damned fool.
Did you just say Red Hat 4?  Not RHEL4, but RH4?  If you meant to say

Thats correct Scott RH4, sorry but once bitten twice shy, I am very happy not using vendor kernels as they tend to be too bloated anyway, core servers only need small kernels, enough to run what they need to, no need to have built in network crud i'll never use, no need to have 30K modules inplace that will never be used, vendors do this so its a plug and play type OS, thats fine for a desktop, not fine for a server.
RH4 then I think you should try using vendor kernels again.  Really, I'm
Never :)

you did file it I would expect it not to happen again.  I've not been
using Red Hat for long, but I don't think that this is going to be a
regular occurrence.  I used Debian Unstable and Ubuntu Dev branch for
many years.  I've never had them rendered unbootable by a vendor kernel
upgrade and I'm sure those get far less testing than the kernel upgrades
that go into RHEL.
I'd use nothing but Slackware on servers, because the packages are left 
untouched from what the coders released them as, its essentially a 
configure make make install, nothing can go wrong and nothing has in 
years, I still prefere to also use Bind from ISC, Apache from ASF, 
Sendmail from Sendmail Inc. and so on... use Pats updated for other core 
components, which he still supports versions of back to 2001, which is 
longer than RHEL.
I will admit I did have RH servers around until a year after EOL 
for RH9 (got sick of manually patching it so replaced them with Slack as 
well), I have some Fedora desktops, thats about it, but even with them, 
they have custom kernels, I was going to look at Ubuntu as a desktop, but 
havn't got around to it yet, I'd like to try openSuSE but I depise the 
deal they did with the devil, although I might still try it one day 
anyway, depends of what F8 turns out like.



Slackware -V- sloooUbuntoooou

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