Re: Wireless problems. UPDATE

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Mark Haney wrote:
Matthew Saltzman wrote:
On Mon, 2008-06-23 at 14:50 -0400, Mark Haney wrote:
Matthew Saltzman wrote:
Did it get rid of the multiple copies?  Did it correctly detect the
It did.  Until a second reboot. Then they came back.
In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface>, is there a
HWADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx line?
A that point, I'd consider filing a bug.  John Linville handles the
wireless stuff, and he's usually been pretty responsive.
The problem is, I don't know what the problem is, so don't know what to file.
It probably doesn't make too much difference, in the sense that wherever
you file, you'll get help troubleshooting.

If none of the connectivity tools leads to a connection, I'd probably
start with the kernel (Linville's beat), suspecting that it's a wireless
driver issue.  It can always be reassigned later if troubleshooting
leads you to some other component.

Probably not a bad idea. Yes, there is a HWADDR= line.  And it matches 
with the address that shows up in dmesg.
I noticed you're at Clemson.  I was down there last month for CIDays. 
The campus is much prettier than I remember the last time I was there. 
(Which, sadly, was the Fumble-rooski Bobby Bowden pulled against you.)

Well, I figured since I was having trouble getting wireless on my F8 
desktop, that I would go ahead and upgrade to F9.  Was not as pleasant 
an experience as all my previous upgrades have been, however.
On my first attempt to upgrade the system hung right at the end of the 
install process causing me to start over.  Fortunately, the second try 
finished the process correctly and I could boot into F9 fine.
X didn't come up clean, but a reconfig of the display fixed that. 
Something I've /never/ had to do on previous upgrades.
However, from the CLI my wireless card came up beautifully manually, 
including using a static IP address.  For some reason dhcp6c didn't get 
me an IP address from the AP.  Weird.
Anyway, now I'm really wondering, why the hell are there so many F8 rpms 
still left on this box?  I use no 3rd party repos at all on this system 
since most everything I need is in the standard repo.  I upgraded using 
the F9 DVD so it wasn't like nearly everything wasn't available from the 
install media.
So, for now, I'm happy, I have wireless back on this box.  I'll let you 
know how it works after maintenance and some reboots.  Thanks to 
everyone for all the help.  As always, the Fedora list is the best one 

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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