Re: Wireless problems.

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
Mark Haney wrote:

I will mention that when I reboot, and I look in 'Network' in GNOME,
that I see 2 wireless cards listed.  Originally, it showed 'wlan0' and
'wlan0.bak', along with 'eth0' and 'eth0.bak'.  I don't know how that
happened, but I'm wondering if kudzu doing something.  Even when I
deleted the wlan0.bak option and rebooted, same thing.
I think this is part of the completely crazy pre-NM WiFi setup.

NM is crazy too, but in a different way.

Did you try, incidentally, "iwconfig wlan0 essid <whatever>"?
Do you have the ESSID set in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 ?

Also maybe worth trying "iwconfig wlan0 MODE Managed" or "MODE AdHoc".

Ps I'm not a WiFi guru, just a sufferer from it.

See, on my other wireless system (laptop running Gentoo), I always fire 
up my wireless this way with no trouble, no matter where I am. (Uh, the 
manual CLI way) The script I use has never failed me to launch iwconfig 
and then bring up the interface.
In Fedora, even from the CLI I cannot get the interface to connect. 
It's UP, from the standpoint that I have an entry in ifconfig that tells 
me it's up.  The modules are loaded (and I've tried load/unload).  I've 
tried the other AP modes and still nothing. I just don't understand what 
changed in a week.  This is the one system I haven't wired because of 
it's location and so far I've not had trouble with it.
At this point, I'm tempted to try Gentoo on it and see if that makes a 
difference, just to make sure it's not some weirdness with Linux in 
general with that card.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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