Re: Wireless problems.

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
Mark Haney wrote:

Also it might be worth trying "iwlist scan" as root.
And wifi-radar is sometimes helpful.
The problem I have isn't logging anything in syslog.  iwlist scan works,
I can see my AP just fine.  I just can't get the card to connect to it.
  I know the AP is fine since my laptop connects fine. I know the card
in the box works since the XP boot on that box can connect just fine.
If "iwlist scan" sees your AP, that is 90% of the way.
This implies the card and driver are working.

Also, if "iwlist scan" works I would definitely try NM,
since that will probably see the AP too.
I'll give this a shot when I get home.

How exactly is the AP set up?
Is it using dhcp?
The AP is setup really simply.  No wireless encryption, DHCP enabled 
(for LAN parties). I use a static IP on this server because I port 
forward SSH to it from the wireless router.

I shouldn't ask this, but do you have Windows on your computer?
If so, does Windows connect with the AP?
I mentioned in the previous reply that XP does work on that box just 
fine. (If you didn't see it, don't worry about it, it didn't make sense 
to me after I re-read it.)
You say there are no messages in syslog, 
which I assume is sent to /var/log/messages.
I would have thought there must be something there,
if iwlist scan works.
(There should be something in /var/log/dmesg as well.)
dmesg does show that the wireless card is there and that it gets a 
proper association (exact message I'm unsure and am at the office now) 
but that there are repeated messages of 'wireless link not ready'.
Might be worth switching SELinux off, if it is on.
(Better, switch to permissive.)
SELinux has been disabled on this box since the initial FC6 install.

This is what has me confused.  Nothing is complicated about this setup. 
 It's been in the same place and the same OS for 5 months without 
trouble until now.  And now, for some reason it gets all bollocksed up.
I will mention that when I reboot, and I look in 'Network' in GNOME, 
that I see 2 wireless cards listed.  Originally, it showed 'wlan0' and 
'wlan0.bak', along with 'eth0' and 'eth0.bak'.  I don't know how that 
happened, but I'm wondering if kudzu doing something.  Even when I 
deleted the wlan0.bak option and rebooted, same thing.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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