Re: Java problem

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Craig White wrote:
just for the record, I remember getting an 'extra' CD with the store
bought RHL 7.1 that contained Java and I believe Acrobat Reader rpm's so
the notion that this is something that started with RHEL 4/5 simply
doesn't wash.
The addition of the Sun java rpm to the updates repository is what is 
different.  The old 'extra' CD had commercial demos without ongoing support.
As for the notion that the system stabilizes prior to a new RHEL
release, that's entirely anecdotal.
OK, there are only three data points and even though all three show the 
same thing you can still say it isn't enough to prove the case...
There's no question that Red Hat
personnel are involved in the development of both and it's likely that
when approaching the cycle release points of RHEL, less efforts are made
on edge releases but that would likely vary depending upon whether it
was core items or software that wasn't likely to provide libraries that
other software needs.
I've forgotten the exact details, but I think there was a discussion on 
the CentOS list about some things that were the same binaries as fedora 
being included in RHEL5 without a recompile and causing some trouble 
when they did their rebuild-from-source.
  Les Mikesell

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