Re: 2.6.23 kernel

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On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, Res wrote:

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007, Scott Henson wrote:

John Wendel wrote:
Don't be a wimp!  Seriously, if you've got some spare time and a
non-critical box, you should build 2.6.23, beat it up, and file
bug reports. It's the way we non-kernel-developers can
I have no problem with that, but as for a box I actually care
about and want to get stuff done on, vendor kernels all the way.

I recall, hrmmmmmm RH4 i think it was, maybe earlier, an automatic
update rendored my desktop useless, they corrected it within hours,
but thats too late for the poor suckers like me that were affected,
since then, a valuable lesson learnt was never trust a vendors
"update" verbatim, and since then, I've never used a RH kernel, once
bitten ok, twice bitten your a damned fool.
ummmmmm ... over-dramatize much?

ummmm when your responsible for what I am, yeah, because I'm paid to not 
have things fuck up, but since we moved all servers to Slackware, we've 
never had a single hiccup, so I aint had to any problems in years.
for fucks sake, RH cant even sort out their own rsync servers, why would I 
try trusting them again, its a complete joke, and the funny thing is, the 
same person resposible for it is probably still in that job



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