Re: Video in a small window -

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On 09/25/2010 01:58 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>    On 25/09/10 16:05, JD wrote:
>> On 09/25/2010 12:48 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>>>      On 25/09/10 15:10, JD wrote:
>>>> VLC video window is integrated into the control gui and thus
>>>> cannot be scaled down to the size that you can with mplayer
>>>> view window.
>>>> Now....
>>>> what small corner window?
>>>> Moving anything on the screen only takes that
>>>> you click and hold on the title bar and then drag it to any
>>>> position on the screen and release. How hard can that be?
>>>        VLC is quite happy to display the videos as is Firefox, both ask for
>>>        user and password and just work!
>>>        By mplayer I assume you mean totem
>> NO!
>> Totem is NOT mplayer.
>> mplayer-1.0-0.117.20100703svn.fc13.i686
>> totem-2.30.2-1.fc13.i686
>      Ok, yum installed mplayer and the GUI too. It appears to accept the
>      camera user and password but it doesn't seem able to decode the
>      mjpeg video? The screen goes to black as though it is starting but
>      then it reverts to a splash screen with a play button and does
>      nothing after that.
>      I will spend some more time investigating mplayer. The ability to
>      put the user and password in the start command is a definite
>      convenience, if only it can be made to display the video.
>      Thanks for the help.
>      Bob
So,  you are missing the coddec, and I would venture to say probably 
missing a lot of other codecs.
I do not know which fedora package provides the codecs.
The authors of mplayer provide these codecs at:

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