Re: X config damaged by power failure - OT

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Tim wrote:
 > Robin Laing:
Use letters.
Even that has its problems.  We've one piece of gear where the
manufacturer simply labelled each socket A to Z, with no indications of
what they were for (lazy bastards).  Needless to say that I fixed that
up with a texta.  Though that's getting harder to do thanks to graffiti
vandals - textas don't have the solvents in them that they used to, so
vandalism can be cleaned off better, but that means that they won't mark
well on some surfaces.  Grr, bloody teenagers...

As you know, you can buy cable markers that have letters instead of
numbers.  If under 26 cables, one letter each.  More than 26, start
using double letters.
I've tried tags, in the past, but you turn the cables into fishing lines
(you add a barb to them, that catches on things), and they tend to be

The coloured insulation tape had the advantages of being nearly flush
with the cable, damn cheap, we nearly always had some on hand, and you
could get more from just about anywhere.

I like the labels that you wrap around, and have a clear end to them, so that it protects the label. You can get some nice labelers that let you put something useful on the labels instead of an arbitrary number.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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