Re: low power tv

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From: "Tim" <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, 2008, April 26 23:47

On Sat, 2008-04-26 at 23:15 -0700, jdow wrote:
Send then a formal interference complaint.

If that does not work repeat it; and, copy it to the FCC.

See the ants scramble around after their nest is disturbed.
"Here," where I wrote about, being Australia.  So it wouldn't be the
FCC, but the Dept of Communications and Transport.  Who're not overly
known for being particularly caring...  Though they did decide that
they'd jam some illegal broadcasters, once (oil refineries, out at sea,
being their own radio stations), only to get in trouble for illegally
broadcasting, themselves.  ;-)

Nor fast...  It took them somewhere around ten years to revoke the
license of some broadcaster, for flagrant violations that had been going
on that entire time.

I suppose I should go through the motions, though.  But I suspect that
the electricity co. would probably be more worried about power losses
than causing RFI.  But they may not be losing enough to care.
The FCC isn't any better than your "people", although they do respond
to CONSUMER complaints fairly dramatically once they move. The copy to
the FCC (or in Oz the DCT) is simply a motivator. Over here penalties
are assessed "per day." So document the days of interference and toast
the power company appropriately.

I suspect this is pretty much the case in any "First World" nation.
Over in Mugabeland I'd not bother.


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