Re: low power tv

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From: "Tim" <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, 2008, April 22 03:51

Here, we have rotten AM radio reception.  There's a terrible hum all
over the band.  It only went away when the district power failed.  My
guess is the nearby high tension power lines are radiating the crap that
disrupts it.  You can even hear them audibly, if you go near them.  And
they sizzle evilly in wet or damp weather.  ;-)
Antti J. Huhtala:
Tim, have you thoght about letting the power company know about leaky
insulators ie. sparking over?  They should be pleased because their
product is being spilled this way...
I've thought about that before.  But, somehow, I just cannot see ETSA
bothering with the expense of shutting off power, and bringing in all
the equipment needed to get up the huge pole, and replacing or cleaning
the insulators, just for my benefit.  ;-)

In the thirty-odd years that I've lived here, I've never seen them do
any maintenance to them.  So I can't imagine a bit of extra work being
scheduled into regular maintenance to improve them, either.
Send then a formal interference complaint.

If that does not work repeat it; and, copy it to the FCC.

See the ants scramble around after their nest is disturbed.

To be REALLY effective check out FCC regulations on unintentional

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