Re: Gee, Fedora people must ignore their logs.

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From: "Anne Wilson" <cannewilson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, 2008, April 26 08:35

On Saturday 26 April 2008 16:23, max wrote:
Well perhaps your implying the Fedora community needs a woman's touch?
Do feel free to contribute. I am feeling my way around, trying to learn
what I can so I can see where I might fit. I would encourage you to do
the same : )


> And to those of you who've been ignoring your logs - shame on you.
> {^_^}   Joanne
Oh-ho!  Is Max to learn about Joanne the hard way? :-)

Actually not, Anne. I don't have time for properly roasting gratuitous
twittery. I just tried to post a relatively polite reminder to get clamav
into the queue considering changes to their code might well be considered
security issues.

My consulting job has born fruit and we're handling orders for large (for
us) numbers of systems at $15k a pop. That has me working hard enough I
don't even have time to look into a move to 8 now that it might be out of
alpha status. (When I don't have to ride the poor thing after every
update I figure it's into beta, which is Fedora release.) Money flowing
in will certainly feel good.


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