Re: Gee, Fedora people must ignore their logs.

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jdow wrote:
Since nobody has whined about this yet I suppose somebody must. So
consider this an official whine.

For the last week or so I've been getting log messages about updating
to clamav 0.93 from 0.92.1. I just searched the updates and updates/testing
for both 7, which I am running, and 8. There is nary a sign of clamav 0.93.

Tsk tsk, gentlemen. Please do get on it.
Well perhaps your implying the Fedora community needs a woman's touch? 
Do feel free to contribute. I am feeling my way around, trying to learn 
what I can so I can see where I might fit. I would encourage you to do 
the same : )
And to those of you who've been ignoring your logs - shame on you.

{^_^}   Joanne

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