Re: F8 update kills KDE

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max bianco wrote:

I wasn't trying to hurt anyone's feelings. Hopefully they've got
thicker skin than that, I made an observation based on my experience.
I felt then and now that the default KDE desktop looked and felt like
a GNOME knock-off. It has also been my experience that most do assume
that you have GNOME installed. I'll happily try KDE again when F9 hits
final release, I hope to be proven wrong, I don't expect it will all
work flawlessly, it is as many have said a major revision, but  KDE
needs its own personality, I didn't feel that KDE distinguished itself
from GNOME very well when i first tried it on Fedora 7. If i'm in the
minority with that opinion, so be it. I appreciate all the hard work
that goes into Fedora, hopefully nobody takes my comments to
personally. No one is obliged to prove anything to anyone. I still
think Fedora blows the doors off all the other Linux distributions,
I've tried most of them.
You observation seems incorrect to me. Atleast from Fedora Core 5 
onwards and even more from Fedora 7 onwards, KDE look and feel is pretty 
much the same as upstream in Fedora.  So I have no idea what you mean by 
a "knock-off".
Fedora 7 KDE

Fedora 7 GNOME

Other than the wallpaper, everything else is different. Just for comparison, Fedora 9 beta screenshots


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