-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Chris Jones wrote: | |> The results of "Thread Hijacking" are so obvious *if* you use |> threading I have |> wondered if those that do this do *not* thread messages. | | Quite possible. And quite how they manage to keep on top of this list | without threading is impressive. I couldn't live without it. | | Chris | Me either. It does help, however, if the OP's subject actually means something. 8-) - -- ~ David -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32) iEYEARECAAYFAkeHwZ8ACgkQAO0wNI1X4QEiNgCeIL/rgUyeKHsH+Me99JxPS1hQ P6IAn03dxQjRNo4Uy3ByI5t7qmwDgZNX =yIwX -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----