Re: Java problem

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Craig White wrote:
And you didn't answer my question either.  Does the thing fedora 
executes under the name "java" pass the compatibility tests?
Isn't that a straw man argument? If gcj version executes all of the java
needs of the packages that Fedora offers, isn't that enough?
No, it damages the credibility of java for everyone if a java runtime 
won't execute a java package correctly, yet is still executed as "java".
I haven't run OpenNMS but I note their recommendation for 1.5.x which is
starting to age now.
It has had updates fairly recently. I don't think it is worn out or broken.

I have Alfresco running and I don't know that it
does/doesn't work with gcj version because I just simply installed the
Sun version but Tomcat works with the gcj version so it wouldn't be too
much of a stretch to think that it would work with Alfresco too.
Do you have time to find out?  I don't know what is missing in gcj. 
OpenNMS used to need a working jni interface to be able to build icmp 
packets and to link to rrd libraries if you use them (there is now a 
pure java jrobin replacement).
  Les Mikesell

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