Re: Where do you put all your HTML stuff on a home Linux server?

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Matthew Saltzman wrote:
For example, there was a long thread recently in fedora-devel-list on
whether distributions could impose any structure at all on the contents
of /srv.  I don't recall if any firm conclusions were reached, but for
now, I don't think you'll see RPMs (from Fedora, anyway) making any use
of it.
BitTorrent already does.
MySQL should.

The MySQL database by default SHOULD be /srv/mysql - and on all my installs, it gets changed to that.
I personally leave the default for httpd alone - but any and all virtual 
hosts are defined in their own .conf file and point to 
/srv/domain.tld/www for their document root.
But yes - some packages do, and others (like databases) should make use 
of /srv
In my opinion anyway.
Of course, opinions are like ego's - everybody has got one.

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