Re: Internet traffic and Azureus -

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On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Ed Greshko wrote:

Well, then you are not as creative as I thought you could be.  As I've said,
I might be carefree at time, but beleive it or not i'm not stupid :) I 
know when and when not to take risks.

FWIW, in a previous post you said:

"you know why? because in 99.7% of the times it IS the customers fault."

You do go on and seem to say that the customer may not be directly at
fault...but even then you seem to be placing blame on their shoulders.  If
that is your attitude and that is what you truly feel about "customers" then
I would be happy not to be one of your customers.
Correct, how is it ISPs problem that micro$lop sent out a screwed update, 
how is it our fault that the users use zone alarm and blocks our DNS, we 
provide Internet Access, we are not hand holders nor teachers of PC's, 
there are institutions out there that specialise in that, in this country 
your avg council run library has these courses, I'm sure they have teh 
same elsewhere, so it might possibly not be the customers fault but its 
also not our fault that somthing on your pc is preventing you from using
the net.

It is almost like saying it is the "Fedora customer's fault" when they do
"yum update" and their USB ports no longer function.

The problem may be "at the customer's end" but the blame lies not with the
it certainly does not lie with the service providor either, ISP's run 
"technical support" not micro$lop support, or to be fair, linux or bsd 
support, however the people that use linux and bsd generally know what 
they are doing and dont need to call tech support just because they have 
no idea  on how to configure pine or evolution or kmail etc, it is the 
CSR's job to provide the settings for services, like DNS ip's, pop3/smtp 
homepage access for members, etc, its not our place to teach you how to 
use those programs



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