Kam Leo wrote:
Pointless and totally ineffective. I cannot change developer habits.
Those who care about their code will document.
You are being judgmental even before making any attempts. It is more
about effective feedback rather than habits. If you are not willing to
contribute that's fine.
Besides, Fedora Core is totally schedule driven.
Incorrect. Read http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives. We don't have
a strict release schedule and have made several delays before. Even in
Fedora 7 for example the schedule was changed and a new test release was
added before some features like the merge was considered a release
blocker. In a completely time based release structure like GNOME for
example no feature would block the schedule.
Documentation bugs
are considered critical and do not hold a release.
Depends on the nature of documentation. We consider things like release
notes fairly critical. Usually documentation wouldn't hold up a release
Using FC5 release
notes as an example. Under the heading "Latest Release Notes on the
Web", http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/fc5/ , it states
"These release notes may be updated." Truth is it does not happen. Not
for a free product with a 18 month life span.
Incorrect. We have provided erratas before and will continue to do in
Fedora 7 too. I have made several changes in them after the translation
freeze for the ISO images in Fedora 7 and they would published in sync
with the release. See http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/.
There are ISO versions and erratas available.
In the last release, the release notes were separated from the
fedora-release package to enable us to push documentation updates.
If a hook is available then why wouldn't/shouldn't options for
installonlyn appear?
If the plugin uses those hooks, yes.