Kam Leo wrote:
Yes, it does.The base for FC6 went from 2.6.18 to 2.6.20. Bug and security fixes alone would not have necessitated the version changes that followed. What I see is that the installonlyn plugin was created to fix the side effects of Fedora Core's kernel update mechanism/policy.
Security fixes are unpredictable. Bug fixes can be accumulated but you would have some unsatisfied users anyway.
We weren't talking about me, at least I hope not, but about less knowledgeable users. I hope our mutual goal is to improve Fedora Core.
Right. "You" is figurative.
By the way, regarding ideas for improving documentation: It is highly desirable to have man pages for all released software. Yum's plugins seem to have fallen through the cracks. If the release notes are not been maintained then I would recommend that any functional/behavioral change be documented via comments in the .conf file. It shouldn't take too much effort and is better than nothing.
Want to contribute? Rahul