Re: Help with reading strace

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Dan Track wrote:
On 3/22/06, Andy Green <andy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This firewall box is a cisco pix firewall. I can route the box's
without the firewall. What's the next step if, shall I ping again now
that they aren't using the firewall, or is there another test?
LOL I don't know if there's another test :-)  I'm just making this up. 
Hook them up without the PIX and see if packets are still munched with 
the floodping.  Maybe the problem is only that neptune really does issue 
pings too fast for opal to keep up with it and this is a total 
sideissue.  (What is the relative speed of CPU of the two servers?)  If 
it acts differently with the PIX gone that might be interesting though.

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