Rahul Sundaram wrote:
You forget the presence of various other projects such as Legacy,
Documentation, Websites, Infrastructure etc...
Are they provided by RH? RH provides some of the servers, yes. But
the contents? Most probably written and provided by volunteers from
the community to the community. I.e. direction: Community => community.
Oh btw I have reviewed documentation, contribution to release notes,
contribute to legacy (legacy is chaired by Fedora Core release
maintainer) , contributed to websites and infrastructure team both of
which has other Red Hat people working on it. Fedora Documentation
Steering Committee is chaired by Red Hat. Red Hat has been team
members of all these projects. So try and understand the processes
and people involved better. Its all documented in the wiki @
And Red Hat has contributed tons to Fedora Ambassdors project which I am
others from Red Hat are members. Again similar for Bug triaging and
artwork... Want more?
Fedora Bug Triaging - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers