. Remember
we are the extended testing ground for the Enterprise products and
should be resigned to be treated as such.
Fedora Project includes various sub projects such as core, extras,
documentation and legacy among others supported by the Fedora Foundation
and sponsored by Red Hat. Fedora Core as one of the sub projects
provides a base operating system and packages which shares a similar
code base to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Others such as Fedora Extras are
entirely community driven and has no relationship with RHEl. Not all of
the packages and technologies included in Fedora Core go into RHEL. Some
of the packages are in RHEL but has been removed from Fedora Core - exim
for example. Many of them like GFS, SystemTap and Frysk were included in
RHEL first before reaching Fedora Core. Also the RHEL updates lifecyle
is entirely different from Fedora Core. So Fedora Core cannot act as a
testing ground through it does provide a valuable means to gather
community feedback.
Fedora Bug Triaging - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers