Re: Why questions don't get answered, or "No, I've already RTFM, tell me the answer!"

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Les Mikesell wrote:
On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 21:38, John Summerfied wrote:

Today, I suggest that
If you want stability and support, buy RHEL in the appropriate flavour
If you want stability and cheap, download one of the EL clones such as TAO, CENTOS, WBEL (are there more?) If you want the latest and can bear the occasional breakage, use Fedora Core 4. If you don't care for stability and/or want to help refine things, Fedora Core 5 beta (maybe blend in some rawhide?) is for you.

But realistically, what people want is close-to-the latest plus
Realistically, what people want varies widely. Geeks aside, one thing 
they agree on is that it works, works and works.
some stuff that none of the above includes, like mplayer, xine,
xmms with mp3 support, java, flash and the browser plugins for
them, etc., so you want FC3 or FC4 with all current updates
and a bunch of 3rd party packages.   It can be done, but
it's not necessarily pretty.

Those people are on the wrong distro:-)

SUSE has java, flash and at least some of the other stuff. Including madwifi drivers (needed for my laptop).
If we can't have all that stuff, then  we really ought to have simple 
installers for it.



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