Re: Why questions don't get answered, or "No, I've already RTFM, tell me the answer!"

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--- Les Mikesell <lesmikesell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 21:38, John Summerfied wrote:
> > Today, I suggest that
> > If you want stability and support, buy RHEL in the
> appropriate flavour
> > If you want stability and cheap, download one of
> the EL clones such as 
> > TAO, CENTOS, WBEL (are there more?)
> > If you want the latest and can bear the occasional
> breakage, use Fedora 
> > Core 4.
> > If you don't care for stability and/or want to
> help refine things, 
> > Fedora Core 5 beta (maybe blend in some rawhide?)
> is for you.
> But realistically, what people want is close-to-the
> latest plus
> some stuff that none of the above includes, like
> mplayer, xine,
> xmms with mp3 support, java, flash and the browser
> plugins for
> them, etc., so you want FC3 or FC4 with all current
> updates
> and a bunch of 3rd party packages.   It can be done,
> but
> it's not necessarily pretty.
> -- 
>   Les Mikesell
>     lesmikesell@xxxxxxxxx
> -- 
> fedora-list mailing list
> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> To unsubscribe:

Very well said.  Users want a product that just works
straight out without having to "search, yum their way,
compile their way", etc with all the great stuff 
mplayer, xine,
 xmms with mp3 support, java, flash and the browser
 plugins for
 them, etc.

and since Red Hat is "releasing"/"has released" Fedora
on its own, why not have all these things within
Fedora.  No more trademarks/patents other difficulties
to get what users want.  What is holding Fedora Back

Best Regards & Happy New Year


P.S.  Sorry for creating an "extension field", an
extension/continuation of this thread which many
people might/or are already offended by its length.  
# rm -rf Re: Why questions don't get answered, or "No,
I've already RTFM, tell me the answer!"
if it does not work file a bugzilla against rm
By the way is this the longest thread of the year, or
will it be Peter Whalley, 
Enquiring minds want to know.

Yahoo! DSL ? Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

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