Re: Why questions don't get answered, or "No, I've already RTFM, tell me the answer!"

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Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Gee, and here I thought he was volunteering to be a Fedora Marketing
Droid, one each, prepackaged and delivered. Last I knew Fedora was not
"marketed" at all by RedHat. It's their beta test group.

Fedora has its own development and test releases. It doesnt have a beta release. RHEL has its own beta testing group thats independent from Fedora.

I generally characterise Fedora as a rolling beta. Recognising that, I 
still use it, but it's a serious concern that people argue it's more 
than that and think it a fine platform to which they might entrust their 
But then, I remember there are people who entrust their business to Windows.



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