From: "Rahul Sundaram" <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxx>
Kam Leo wrote:
On 12/29/05, Dave Stevens <geek@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
and there's not comprehensive but pretty good and as far as I
know everything there is accurate, easy to read, etc.
The problem with all these fedora*.org sites is that some are and some
are not officially affiliated with the main htttp://
site. The fedora marketing droids need to really get the "fedora"
branding straightened out. There are too many of these "fedora*.org"
sites popping up and the ones officially affiliated are not tightly
coupled to the main site.
The only official ones are and as listed in and they are pretty well coupled
together. Rest of the community websites are listed in and managing them is not
really a function of "fedora marketing droids".
Gee, and here I thought he was volunteering to be a Fedora Marketing
Droid, one each, prepackaged and delivered. Last I knew Fedora was not
"marketed" at all by RedHat. It's their beta test group.