> [root@localhost init.d]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 > > > #D-Link System Inc RTL8139 Ethernet > DEVICE=eth1 > ONBOOT=yes > BOOTPROTO=dhcp > #BOOTPROTO=none|bootp|dhcp > #which do I want? > HWADDR=00:0D:88:37:FA:22 > NETMASK= > BROADCAST= > Hey If you're connecting two boxes with a single cable their is no dhcp, so you're networkcard doesn't recieve any ip adress info. You'll have to change ifcfg-eth1 to something like this: DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO=none BROADCAST= IPADDR= NETMASK= ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet manually assing two ip-adresses (one for each box) and use the same netmask and restart your network ciao bart