I'm having trouble with my VOIP providers website, at <http://www.telnetphone.ca/> in that it keeps reloading; mozilla would appear to be caught in some sort of endless loop. the telephone adapter: <http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?prid=651&scid=38> the VOIP telephone adapter isn't working quite "out of the box," which I should've looked into yesterday. on reboot eth0 gave a "IP identification..," if I recall correctly, so the adapter needs a driver. will that require a kernel re-compile? the internet connection is via eth1, if that matters. Do I need to somehow enable a connection between the eth0 and eth1? or, do I just use <http://www.asterisk.org/>? I have a PAP2, not a mic/speakers setup. -Thufir