Re: floppy disk formatting: how to?

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Hiisi writes:

2009/9/24 Sam Varshavchik <mrsam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Mikkel writes:
After some more digging I've came to pretty much the same conclusion. So
after a few years of general inactivity, I'm going to update floppy with the
current device names, and I'll see if I can the upstream to update the fd(7)
man page. But until the updated floppy makes it way into the Fedora branch
of util-linux-ng, running MAKEDEV is the only workaround.

Hello, guys!
Thanks for the help you gave me. 'MAKEDEV fd0' did the trick - I can
format floppy as root. But when I'm trying it as usual user I have:
$ floppy --ext2 --format A:
floppy 0.16 Copyright 2001-2006, Double Precision, Inc.

/dev/fd0H1440: Lupa evätty
No formattable capacities for /dev/fd0
Only root can open the floppy device directly, and only root can issue a 

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