Re: floppy disk formatting: how to?

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Mikkel writes:

Sam Varshavchik wrote:
I see. But when I look into the actual kernel source:

static struct floppy_struct floppy_type[32] = {
{ 2880,18,2,80,0,0x1B,0x00,0xCF,0x6C,"H1440" }, /* 7 1.44MB 3.5" So the actual kernel source matches the man page. The label string here
is what the kernel prints when it boots up. That's where, apparently,
the device node names came from originally. But, looks like, at some
point, for some reason, a different naming convention was adopted and
listed in /Documentation, without updating the actual kernel source.
And, Fedora's udev setup follows the /Documentation convention, while
MAKEDEV follows the actual kernel source.

I guess things need to be brought in sync. The file I quoted from
was for 2006, so the change was made at least that long ago. It is
the same in the 2009/04/06 version. But I did forget to include this
comment from the end of the floppy device section:

NOTE: The letter in the device name (d, q, h or u)
signifies the type of drive: 5.25" Double Density (d),
5.25" Quad Density (q), 5.25" High Density (h) or 3.5"
(any model, u).	 The use of the capital letters D, H
and E for the 3.5" models have been deprecated, since
the drive type is insignificant for these devices.
After some more digging I've came to pretty much the same conclusion. So 
after a few years of general inactivity, I'm going to update floppy with the 
current device names, and I'll see if I can the upstream to update the fd(7) 
man page. But until the updated floppy makes it way into the Fedora branch 
of util-linux-ng, running MAKEDEV is the only workaround.

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