Re: java development questions

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Very helpful Greg, Thx!

On 09/16/2009 02:40 PM, listmail@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 14:14:23 -0700
jack craig<jackc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

Hi Folks,

I am using a FC11 os and want to learn Java.

I am faced with choices that i don't have good answers for and wonder
what wisdom this group may have to offer?

first, IDE's; there are eclipse and IcedTea6 (which doenst have much
doc), are there others i am missing?

anyone got pros/cons for eclipse or icedtea?

also, there is the sun jdk, but this os seems to have openjdk also,
anyone comment on this choice?
openjdk also seems shy of install/config docs, ... ???  may both be
installed&  usable at once?
(not at the same time of course).

all comments welcome, tia, jackc...

FWIW I'm using NetBeans 6.7 with OpenJDK on F11/X86_64 for java dev and
quite happy with it. I believe you can have multiple jdks on the same
machine but you need to establish one as 'active' using the cli:

alternatives --config java

API docs are usually packaged separately, which may explain why you
didn't see them...

I used to use eclipse but found I was spending WAY too much time
fiddling with dependences, etc. and had problems with SVN support



   jack craig
         831-684-1375 (Office)
            831-596-6924 (cell)
               IM: jackcraigaptos (AIM)

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