Re: So far I am not impressed with F11

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I'm at my wits end with F11 as I seem to be the only one with these issues. If anyone has any idea what is going on please feel free to fill me in. I'll gladly file bugs if I knew what to file the bugs against but so far these issues appear without leaving any trace as to why.

Got me puzzled.
I too have had problems with F11 but then I had problems with other Fedoras.
Inevitably and virtually always it was because, for various reasons, I had incorrect apps. The only way I could fix issues was to yum uninstall offending apps and then yum install again and pretty well every problem went away.
For sound I uninstalled everything, all the sound files then uninstalled 
firefox and thunderbird then reinstalled.
Haven't had a problem with Firefox since updating.

My problem was an opposing version of something, can't remember what because such a lot of stuff got removed. Lastly I yum uninstalled the kmod-nvidia and reinstalled, again opposing apps caused me grief. I could not get other video cards to work in my machine so I stick with Geforce 8600 GT or better.
Everything works well for me now so I can only suggest that you may be 
experiencing similar.
I remember I had problems with the 64 bit kernel and apps so installed 
only 32 bit and have no problems at all -for now.
Not much help but my experience.
I enjoy the problems but sometimes am at a loss to know what to do to fix then and this is why I thank list members, they always have helped.

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