Re: So far I am not impressed with F11

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Are you really up-to-date with your Fedora 11 system? Firefox is now at 3.5.2 and you are talking about 3.1.1. You might want to look into that. I'm using Firefox 3.5.2 on Fedora 11 x86_64 and have no problems with YouTube. I watch YouTube and Vimeo videos just fine. If your system is behind on updates, I recommend doing a full update. If you are worried about the size of updates, install yum-presto first and then do a full update. Presto will download much smaller *.drpm packages if possible for your base of installed packages.
Are you sure your sound hardware is plugged in and really working? For 
example you don't have a stereo jack that's not all the way in? It is 
very easy to overlook hardware issues and blame it all on the software.

On 09/02/2009 02:38 PM, Randall J. Berry wrote:
So far F11 has been nothing short of a pain for me. I have had more issues with this one release than I have for all of the preceding releases combined.
The issues begin with sound, at any given moment for apparently no 
reason all sound including system sounds turn to static.  This has 
been an issue since day one of my fresh install of F11 and I have yet 
to find a reason for it. I also had the same issue with F10 which is 
why I skipped F10 on the machine in question and waited for F11. I 
have asked countless times for help on this issue and gotten no 
feedback I can't be the only person having this trouble. The only cure 
is a reboot and even then it's only a temporary fix because its sure 
to happen again even after periods of time when the computer has been 
left idle doing nothing.
Next comes the issues with streaming audio or video. Since the update 
of Firefox 3.1 to 3.1.1 all streaming media (youtube and the like) 
played through the browser crashes at random points within the stream 
usually locking up the browser for a period of time and the 
audio/video does not return to normal. I tried to uninstall Firefox 
3.1.1 and reinstall Firefox 3.1 but that did not work Firefox simply 
ceased to work.
Then comes the issues with the power save feature. After the specified 
idle time when the monitor goes to sleep it will not come back with 
any activity via the mouse or keyboard. The only solution seems to be 
a blind reboot. Defeating all power saving features is the only work 
around for this issue. Not a fix, but at least the system is still 
And last but not least the most recent issue which began last night 
when rebooting due to the previously mentioned sound issue. Which is 
that at random gnome panel now refuses to load on user accounts. The 
system reboots to a normal desktop except no system tray and any panel 
function ceases to operate leaving the desktop virtually unusable. I 
have done nothing to the system that would cause this to happen.
I'm at my wits end with F11 as I seem to be the only one with these 
issues. If anyone has any idea what is going on please feel free to 
fill me in. I'll gladly file bugs if I knew what to file the bugs 
against but so far these issues appear without leaving any trace as to 
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