Re: Some people mis interpret Fedora's Mission Statement.

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Ralf Corsepius wrote:
On Mon, 2008-12-08 at 09:49 -0700, stan wrote:
Ralf Corsepius wrote:
but you don't want to do the work to get it there. In other words, you want to direct the work of those who do the work. Hey, you have a great future in management waiting for you. :-)
Pardon, but you probably can relate why I find your tone offensive.
Actually, I can't.  I was offering what I consider to be an 
honest statement of the  situation.  It wasn't meant to be 
offensive.  Just to offer a differenct perspective on the 
issue.  Perhaps you have a negative connotation for 
managers.  Any enterprise beyond a certain complexity 
requires managers.  They coordinate the moving parts.  They 
have a bad rap because most of them are mediocre.  That 
doesn't make the manager unnecessary or belittle their 
contribution.  Management is essential and the skill to be a 
good manager is rare.
Now, it is good that you care enough about Fedora to offer suggestions, but if you don't help implement those suggestions you shouldn't be offended or angry if they aren't followed.
What do you want me to do? To get involved into SELinux, NetworkManager,
PulseAudio, gnome-session, evolution, ... just to mention a few of the
packages which I consider to be prematurely integrated into Fedora?
If you have the ability and inclination, certainly get 
involved in a package.  But it is not the packages that 
drive fedora, it is the packagers.  They are the de facto 
managers of this system because they decide what it will 
consist of.  If you want to change things, that is the place 
to apply yourself.  Become a packager, or just attend the 
meetings / conversations that decide the direction fedora 
will take and contribute.  Turn your dissatisfaction into 
impetus for change.  You are already doing that by 
complaining here, but it would be more effective to do it as 
part of the organization.
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