Re: Some people mis interpret Fedora's Mission Statement.

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Ralf Corsepius wrote:

This is not what Fedora once was meat to be.
Please, let's have some perspective here.  Fedora becomes 
what the people doing the work want Fedora to become.  And 
the users of Fedora know what Fedora is meant to be because 
they use it every day.  The statement(s) is(are) just words 
on paper.  It isn't where the rubber meets the road.
What you and others are actually saying is you want Fedora 
to be something other than it is, but you don't want to do 
the work to get it there.  In other words, you want to 
direct the work of those who do the work.  Hey, you have a 
great future in management waiting for you.  :-)
Now, it is good that you care enough about Fedora to offer 
suggestions, but if you don't help implement those 
suggestions you shouldn't be offended or angry if they 
aren't followed.
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