Re: Some people mis interpret Fedora's Mission Statement.

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On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at  7:13 AM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Timothy Murphy wrote:

My strong impression from reading the newsgroups
is that a large majority of enthusiasts are using KDE,
despite the fact that this is not the default.
I have no idea. We cannot rely on mere impressions for making such 
decisions and I know of no hard public hard data. Enthusiasm doesn't 
determine how many people work on something full time. Paying 
customers do.

It has to be kept in mind that people who are satisfied with something 
rarely express their satisfaction avidly.  This means that those with a 
problem or issue or desire to see something change will predominate the 
converstation on a list such as this.

Would smolt be a reasonable place to consider mining for data on the distribution of use is on the various DMs? Doesn't it report the active DM? Or, if not, should it?

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