Re: Battstat applet

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Erik Slagter wrote:
Can anyone enlighten me on this one, I am probably just dumb and missed something critical ;-)
The gnome-panel package in fc9 doesn't have the battstat applet included 
(anymore). This is a rather critical applet for me so I can see in a 
blink of an eye how much time I have left on battery. I am not at all 
interested in automatic power management functions, it's purely the gui 
So I checked the revision history of the package which has the following 
remark on battstat: "Removed." That I already noticed, but why? And what 
am I supposed to use as alternative? Otherwise I'd consider this a 
I also checked alternatives, and found only one, which is to install the 
advance-window-navigator, which has a battery status applet (although 
less informative). I don't think this is a real alternative because
 - lots and lots of errors and indeed errors and crashes
- requires compositing support including compositing window manager, which, in contrary to popular believe, doesn't work on many configurations (dual head for instance) and also makes various programs terribly slow (firefox...)
 - it cannot coexist with the gnome panel (on the bottom of the screen)
 - the awm panel is only shown at virtual screen #1

There seems to be no other packages that supply a battery status applet.

Anyone have a suggestion?

Check the live-CD for the beta. I tested a laptop I use with that, and it included a battery monitor (which worked!!) even though the wireless ipw2200 didn't. Have not tried further, I want to get desktop going first, but it definitely is there.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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