Re: Battstat applet

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Sam Varshavchik wrote:
Erik Slagter writes:

The gnome-panel package in fc9 doesn't have the battstat applet included (anymore). This is a rather critical applet for me so I can see in a blink of an eye how much time I have left on battery. I am not at all interested in automatic power management functions, it's purely the gui functionality.
So I checked the revision history of the package which has the 
following remark on battstat: "Removed." That I already noticed, but 
why? And what am I supposed to use as alternative?
Gnome power manager.
Yeah, that did the trick, thanks.

Although I like the output less, less informative.

I really hope it's not going to evolve into something like NetworkManager (which hooks into every thinkable subsystem of your system and denies you from any configuration)
yum install gnome-power-manager
yum = yuk :-(

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