Re: FC2 -> F7 via yum

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Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Grub uses the BIOS mapping, so the BIOS boot drive will be hd0 for Grub. As far as the drive mapping, the CD-ROM will not have show up as a SCSI hard drive. It will show up as a SCSI CD-ROM drive. (scd0)
You can use partition labels in /etc/fstab, and in the kernel command 
lines in grub.conf, but Grub itself does not understand them.
LABEL=/boot   /boot   ext3    defaults 1 2

Thank you all who answered this question. I greatly appreciate it.

I have a few questions. Beside the 16 character limit are there rules for e2label? Can I use '/' characters? And lastly can I do it on a live rw mounter file system?
Thank you all so much.


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