Re: Sound input problems on Shuttle SN68PTG5

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Michael Schwendt wrote:

Just out of interest, is it the same with this newer Audacity version?

There's also a x86_64 build in the same directory.

Also, try "alsamixer" in a terminal and mute as many input/effect
channels as possible.

Michael, thanks for your input.

Yes - it still happens with that newer Beta of audacity. I'm fairly convinced it's not an audacity problem - I'm just using that program because it has a stereo visual sound meter. My experience with Skype with a mic plugged in was similar - very noisy and sound only on left. Right channel seems completely dead. Playback is perfect.
Changing settings with alsamixer - I do have just about everything 
muted.  If I increase the "Capture" gain then the noise level is 
amplified to the point where I can max out the channel.  I could mail 
you my asound.state if that would make any sense?
Interestingly alsamixer in a terminal _does_ recognise the chip as 
Realtek ALC888, whereas Fedora soundcard detection only offered me 
ALC883.  So despite my worry in an earlier post maybe the driver isn't 
confused after all - just buggy?

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