Re: Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

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Heitor Moraes írta:
What kind of kid you are?
Buying a Company, does not mean you create their softwares!

I used that a loot with (RedHat based) Conectiva Linux.
"Loot"? Hah, so you pirated it... :-)

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Francis Earl wrote:
It's funny, because if you take away they're
really done very little,

 Take away OOo and no one would be using Linux on the desktop at all.

and no distros actually use Sun's OpenOffice,
they use Novells ( because Sun stiffles development too much.
 That wouldn't exist without Sun either, and without Sun stifling anything.

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